
Monday, September 14, 2009

World Almanac Book of Facts - Ultimate Reference For the Serious Thought Leader

Checking facts is essential and knowing that most of these facts are all in one place, one place you can trust is priceless. Whether you are a writer, professor or simply doing research, as a student you'll need a handy reference books of facts. This is what I have to back up what I write, and I'd recommend the same for anyone who is truly serious about getting their facts right the first time.

This is why I would advise that you get yourself an extremely easy to navigate and comprehensive current Almanac. The one I am currently using and would certainly recommend to you is:

"The World Almanac Book of Facts 2008" published by World Almanac Books, 2008.

When this Almanac says World, they mean World-Wide information, historical events, dates, times, places, people and sports data too. This book will tell you which nations have raw materials, how much and where they are located. Interested in industry, mining, agriculture, transportation, populations, ethnic and religious break downs, it's all there and more, more data than one person would ever need or care to know. It's like a mini-wiki-pedia in book form and it is so easy to navigate and flip through.

Over the years, I have built up my reference library and I've owned various almanacs by different companies, and this is the one I prefer. If you go and take a look at one in the book store, I am sure you will see why. Additionally, the information is fully up to date at the time of the printing, such as world leaders, boundary changes and current events. I'd recommend this almanac; The World Almanac to anybody.
Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Winslow